作者:haoxinying  发布时间:2024-03-01  点击:451




邮箱:leifdong@hznu.edu.cn, leifdong@zju.edu.cn



1. 平台机制与平台治理

2. AI-human交互

3. 企业数字化转型与价值创造


董博士研究方向包括平台经济与平台治理AI-human交互、企业数字化转型与价值创造等方面。主持国家自然科学基金(No.72301087)、浙江省自然科学基金(No.LQ23G010002)、浙江省哲学社科(No.24NDQN007YB)、教育部协同育人(No. 230702267260322项目共计6项,参与国家重点研发(No.2018YFB1403600)、国家社科重大(No.14ZDB137)国家社科重点(No.19AGL032)国家自科面上(No.72271217, 71771196)等科研项目共计8项。主要研究成果发表Decision Support Systems (中科院一区Top, ABS 3)Information & Management (中科院二区TopABS 3)International Journal of Information Management (中科院一区Top, IF=21)Information Technology People (ABS 3)SCI/SSCI期刊


1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目在线劳动力市场服务交易决策过程机制研究:平台呈现信息与在线沟通双阶段探索30万元,2024.01–2026.12 (主持)

2. 浙江省自然科学基金青年项目,基于信息视角的在线劳动力市场发展研究,6万元,2023.01–2025.12 (主持)

3. 浙江省哲学社会科学一般项目,产业链多主体价值共创推动农业数字化转型的机制与路径研究,3万,2023.07-2026.10 (主持)

4. 教育部协同育人项目,浙江智联数字经济学院建设方案设计,5万,2023.09-2026.8 (主持)


1. Dong, L.F., Hua, Z.S., Huang, L.Q., Ji, T., Jiang, F.X., Tan, G.Z. & Zhang, J.. The Impacts of Live Chat on Purchase Decisions: Evidence from a Large Online Labor Markets, Information & Management, 2024. (SCI/SSCI Q1,中科院二区Top, ABS 3);

2. Dong, L.F., Hou, J.H., Huang, L.Q, Liu, Y., & Zhang, J. *. The Effects of Normative and Hedonic Motivations on Continuous Knowledge Contribution: The Moderating Effect of Prior Experience, Information Technology & People, 2023. (SSCI 二区, ABS 3);

3. Zhang, J., Xu, Y., Dong, L.F., & Long Q.*. Gratification Matters? An Explorative Study of Antecedents and Consequence in Livestream Shopping. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2023. (SCI Q2, IF= 4.803).

4. Dong, L.F., Ji, T., & Zhang, J.*. Motivational Understanding of MOOC Learning: The Impacts of Technology Fit and Subjective Norms. Behavioral Sciences, 2023. (SSCI Q2, IF= 2.286);

5. Dong, L.F., Zhang, J. *, Huang, L.Q.& Liu, Y. Social Influence on Endorsement in Social Q&A Community: Moderating Effects of Temporal and Spatial Factors, International Journal of Information Management, 2021. (SSCI Q1,中科院一区Top, IF= 21.0);

6. Dong, L.F., Huang, L.Q. *, Hou, J.H., and Liu.Y.. Continuous Content Contribution in Virtual Community: The Role of Status-Standing on Motivational Mechanism, Decision Support Systems, 2020. (SCI/SSCI Q1,中科院一区Top, FMS A).

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