邮箱:zhanxiuxiu@hznu.edu.cn zhanxxiu@gmail.com
2. 数据挖掘
3. 智能计算
2. Applied statistic analysis
主要从事网络科学,数据挖掘与智能计算等研究方向,特别关注社交网络上的推荐算法,网络上传播影响力和网络拓扑结构信息挖掘等问题。在《Physics Reports》,《New Journal of Physics》,《Applied Mathematics and Computation》,《Chaos》等国内外刊物发表学术论文30余篇,SCI/SSCI 论文17篇,3篇入选“ESI-Top1%高被引论文”。出版书籍《Information Diffusion on Temporal Networks》,且合编《Temporal Network Theory》一书。论文Google学术总引用800余次,单篇最高被引360余次。担任《IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering》,《Information Sciences》,《Chaos》,《Applied Mathematics and Computation》等SCI期刊审稿人。
1. Xiu-Xiu Zhan, Chuang Liu, Ge Zhou, Zi-Ke Zhang*, Gui-Quan Sun*, Jonathan JH Zhu, and Zhen Jin*. Coupling dynamics of epidemic spreading and information diffusion on complex networks. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 332, 437-448 (2018).
2. Xiu-Xiu Zhan, Chuang Liu*, Zi-Ke Zhang*, and Gui-Quan Sun. Epidemic dynamics on information-driven adaptive networks. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 108, 196-204 (2018).
3. Zhipeng Wang, Xiu-Xiu Zhan*, Chuang Liu, and Zi-Ke Zhang*. Quantification of network structural dissimilarities based on network embedding. iScience, 2022, 25(6): 104446.
4. Ming Xie, Xiu-Xiu Zhan*, Chuang Liu*, and Zi-Ke Zhang*. An efficient adaptive degree-based heuristic algorithm for influence maximization in hypergraphs. Information Processing & Management, 2023, 60(2): 103161.
5. Zi-Ke Zhang*, Chuang Liu, Xiu-Xiu Zhan, Xin Lu, Chu-Xu Zhang, and Yi-Cheng Zhang*. Dynamics of information diffusion and its applications on complex networks. Physics Reports, 651, 1-34(2016).